Alpine Woods Medical (AWM), service area encompasses anywhere within Boulder County.
AWM focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions of all ages, while emphasizing education and patient-centered decision making in all aspects of health and wellness. We believe it is you, the patient, who should make decisions when it comes to your healthcare. Our role is to help educate and guide you by presenting all of your options for treatment, along with all potential outcomes, so that you are best positioned to make those choices.
Understanding that virtually all medical conditions have more than one way to diagnose them, as well as more than one way to treat them, AWM believes in utilizing education, and not dictation, as the cornerstone of ensuring you are well-informed of all risks and benefits of each option available. Well-informed, you can then decide how best to treat your condition, and in turn, be in control of ensuring we maintain the level of health you desire.
By limiting our patient panel to just 100 patients per physician (traditional primary care models average 3,000 patients per physician), AWM will be able to spend as much time as each individual desires/requires, and you will have same-day or next-day access to your doctor. In addition, to provide better access to high-quality, patient-centered care, AWM is designed as an all “house call” practice. Services are not limited to an office. We will care for you whether you are in your home, a hotel, your office, or even at a playground with your children.
Illness does not wait for an appointment, and neither should you. With 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year access to your doctor, stress about your health or your family members’ health no longer need consume you. As indicated in our mission statement, our goal is to exceed patient expectations with every encounter in order to restore the confidence, convenience and integrity of the physician-patient relationship. AWM will provide services whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
AWM members receive once annual billing for unlimited services and unlimited access. In addition, 5 free in-person consultations per household, per year will be provided for non-member friends or family of our annual members.
At AWM, we cannot accept insurance. Briefly, it would just be too cumbersome for us to undertake and still be able to provide the level of care our patients deserve. We can, however, provide an itemized bill with diagnostic codes insurers can recognize that you can submit to insurance on your own. Insurance laws governing concierge care vary from state to state, so we advise consulting with your accountant, attorney, or insurance agent prior to signing on with any concierge practice. With AWM, the one-time annual fee is all you will ever pay for services received from us. Our goal is to make your health care less of an inconvenience to you and strive to constantly provide a service that is above and beyond the level of care you may have become accustomed to.